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ABARES head of forecasting and trade Dr Jared Greenville explained value creation is about creating jobs and income for Australians prior to a product being exported.
ABARES head of forecasting and trade Dr Jared Greenville explained value creation is about
“Raw agricultural production activities are also evolving to be more consumer facing, with on-
Further steps to meet consumer demands with changes to on- farm production, akin to planting new varieties that make for more specialised products, can also create additional export value.
Australian economy thrives under raw deal: Insights
AN ABARES Insights arti- cle released recently explores whether Australia is missing out on domestic value creation opportunities because of the focus on trade in raw and mini- mally processed agricultural products.
creating jobs and income for Australians prior to a product being exported.
farm production practices chang- ing to meet consumer demands.
“Past reliance on raw commod- ities and a small set of minimal- ly processed products does not mean that this is the only value- creation path for the sector,” Dr Greenville said.
‘Analysis of value creation in Australia through agricultural exports: Playing to advantages’ analyses returns from agricul- tural exports and compares val- ue-creation pathways, such as adding attributes to products or downstream processing.
“But for Australia, trade in raw commodities and a small set of minimally processed products have provided the largest and most important value-creation opportunities for Australian ag- riculture – a feature that is likely to continue in coming decades.
“So, while these changes may generally increase the cost of production, they also generate returns for the economy, creat- ing income and jobs similar to activities such as domestic pro- cessing.”
The Insights article can be viewed by visiting agriculture. insights/value-creation-in- Australia-through-agricultural- exports
“The public debate often asks whether Australia is missing out on value creation due to the focus on raw agricultural exports,” Dr Greenville said.
“These include the addition of attributes to raw products, such as traceability and organic pro- duction.
“Other opportunities may exist, but a competitive and open econo- my is essential to ensure resources are effectively allocated to their highest value use where private enterprises can determine what to produce and where to sell.”
Workers urged to speak out if mistreated on farms
NATIONAL Farmers’ Federation President Fiona Simson encour- ages workers to report any on-farm mistreat- ment or abuse to the relevant authorities.
1300 333 000 or in the case of an emergency, by calling 000.
supports all members of the Australian horticul- ture supply chain with the tools, information and training they need to be a compliant and ethical employer.
“I continue to be sick- ened to learn of instanc- es where often young men and women, many visitors to our country, are subject to mistreat- ment when working on Australian farms,” NFF President Simson said.
“Community mem- bers, be they politicians, farmers, or farm work- ers, also have a duty to report operators poten- tially doing the wrong thing,” Ms Simson said.
“We have long called for the introduction of a national labour hire regulation scheme, to hold labour hire entities to account, which re- search shows is a link in the ag workforce, where wrong doing occurs,” Ms Simson said.
“Seasonal, short term workers are at the heart of our sector.
“It is important to highlight these issues in public discourse, but to get real action the avail- able channels must also be utilised.
The introduction of a dedicated ag workforce solution, as called for by the NFF for four years now, would ensure for- eign workers holding the visa would only be placed with fully ac- credited employers.
“Without them it just wouldn’t be possible to plant, pick and pack our produce and get it to market.
“Reporting, investi- gating and ultimately holding to account those not complying with the law, is the most effective deterrent.”
“As a community, we must all work together to stamp out such ab- horrent conduct – con- duct that is not befitting of the standards and expectations of contem- porary Australia and in some cases is simply il- legal.
Ms Simson said re- ports of workers being underpaid was dam- aging to Australia’s reputation as a place of choice to live and work.
“I am angered by al- most weekly media re- ports of workers having what can be a fright- ening experience on Australian farms,” Ms Simson said.
“Today and every day, I compel workers, who believe they have been mistreated to report their experience to the appropriate authority.
“The actions of a very few, inflict a stain on our industry, that very unfortunately threatens to tarnish the reputation of majority of the grow- ers who do the right thing.
“Enough is enough.
“If a worker believes they have been under paid, they must inform the Fair Work Ombuds- man by calling 13 13 94.
“Most importantly, these actions have a pro- found, often long-last- ing damaging impact on the men and women subject to them.”
“I can’t be more di- rect, if you are a farm worker and you believe you have been subject to mistreatment, you must report your experience either to the Fair Work Ombudsman or the po- lice.”
“If the mistreatment is of a potential criminal nature, such as sexual assault, it is a police matter.”
The NFF’s Horticul- ture Council has spear- headed efforts to stamp out worker mistreat- ment and supports the grower-led Fair Farms initiative. Fair Farms
Other useful resources about workplace safety, rights and conditions are: Fair Work Om- budsman’s Horticulture Showcase, SafeWork Australia, Jobsearch and the Australian Hu- man Rights Commis- sion.
A complaint should be made to the local po- lice, Crime Stoppers on
“Politicising and op- portunistic statements are one thing, actions and solutions are an- other.
National Poultry Newspaper, February 2021 – Page 15

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