Page 13 - National Poultry Newspaper
P. 13

Discover how Ragazzini hose pump pushes sludge uphill
Avian influenza global impacts
WITH the spread of avi- an influenza across the globe, new variants are being identified in both wild birds and housed poultry.
BLANTYRE Farms is a highly produc- tive mixed farming and livestock business situated near Young in NSW.
usually found in medical situations, and are often used to pump blood,” Mr Rothheudt said.
AI had been confirmed in 12 states for crow, migra- tory and wild birds, and in nine states for poultry birds.
This has poultry farms in the area concerned due to the prolific spread of the disease.
The Welsh Government confirmed the presence of the H5N8 strain of AI in pheasants at premises in Penysarn near Amlwch on Anglesey, and has said a temporary control zone had been imposed around the site.
To date, there have been 26 cases of wild birds with AI in 24 separate events in Ireland since early Novem- ber 2020.
They needed a reliable pump to transfer sludge from their covered meth- ane gas dam.
The current outbreak comes only months after India declared the country disease free.
The mortality of birds on the premises is high and those surviving will be culled.
The pelican bodies and waste have been destroyed, and the parks director has confirmed they will do more to prevent the disease from spreading.
In other words, they found themselves fac- ing that very old, very Australian conundrum of pushing slurry uphill.
“Our success is due to a team with many years of expertise,” Mr Rothheudt said.
Food regulator FSSAI issued guidelines advis- ing consumers to not eat half-boiled eggs and un- dercooked chicken, and to ensure the proper cooking of poultry meat.
The UK’s chief veteri- nary officer Christine Mid- dlemiss has urged all bird keepers to ensure they do all they can to strengthen and maintain biosecurity.
The confirmation follows several outbreaks of AI in other parts of the UK.
Poultry owners were ad- vised to familiarise them- selves with the clinical signs of the disease and report any suspect cases immediately.
An AI outbreak in late 2020 resulted in the slaugh- tering of about 40,000 birds on January 2, and al- most 60,000 birds died in preceding weeks.
That’s when Blantyre Farms’ maintenance manager Mark Schulz contacted Hydro Innova- tions – to find a suitable pump for the application.
“We can turn an en- quiry around in the same day and offer a solution – we know the specifics, that’s what matters.”
“Following a number of confirmed cases of avian influenza in both wild and captive birds we have taken swift action to limit the spread of the disease,” Ms Middlemiss said.
Chief veterinary officer for Wales Christianne Glossop said: “This case serves to reinforce the need for all keepers of poultry and other captive birds to practice the very highest levels of biosecurity.”
The problem for the farm was that the slurry had the consistency of molasses, and pump- ing it 1km uphill to the ponds was no easy feat for standard pumps.
Ragazzini pumps use a roller on bearing de- sign, so the casing does not have to be filled and re-filled with expensive lubricating fluid.
The FSSAI urged con- sumers and businesses “not to panic”, however to en- sure proper handling and cooking of poultry meat and eggs for safe consump- tion.
Poultry keepers with more than 50 birds must be on the country’s poul- try register, and those with fewer are strongly advised to register their birds to en- able disease control, as they will be immediately in- formed of an AI outbreak.
After authorities had ini- tially ruled out AI, scien- tific analysis confirmed the disease killed at least 750 pelicans found dead in the Djoudj National Bird Sanc- tuary late January 2021.
Authorities now be- lieve the cluster has been stamped out.
Hydro Innovations’ NSW regional man- ager Phil Rothheudt said: “Ordinary pumps just couldn’t handle the slurry.”
The World Heath Organi- sation has stated it is safe to consume meat and eggs,
Situated in the Senegal River delta, Djoudj is home to more than 3 million
Phil’s solution was to use a Ragazzini peristal- tic pump model MS3.
Pumps can be used on suction lifts up to 9m and can produce pres- sures to 15-bar.
The operation of this style of pump is derived from human intesti- nal muscle movements – peristalsis – an alter- nating contraction and relaxation of muscles around a tube to coax the contents through.
For more information, contact Hydro Innovations on 02 9898 1800 or at sales@ au
“Peristaltic pumps are
A Ragazzini peristaltic pump model MS3 was the solution for Blantyre Farms.
National Poultry Newspaper, February 2021 – Page 13
Mr Schulz was happy with the results stating: “The information sup- plied by Phil to select the correct pump for our application was great, as was the communication for the actual purchase.”
Control and containment operations are taking place in the affected epicentres and compensation will be paid to those farmers whose poultry birds, eggs and feed are culled as per the country’s action plan.
The council is working with Public Health Eng- land, DEFRA and other agencies to monitor the situation closely, however no immediate risk to hu- man health exists.
The disease was also con- firmed in a turkey flock in Wicklow on December 10 and in two separate poul- try premises in Northern Ireland in January this year.
“We have the results of the analysis – it is indeed bird flu type A H5NI,” Mr Thiam said.
This means hose changes are quicker and cleaner, and enables owners to take advan- tage of Ragazzini’s fast- leak detection system, which will alert owners when a hose needs re- placing.
“It is important that bird keepers ensure they are do- ing all they can to maintain and strengthen biosecurity measures on their prem- ises to prevent further out- breaks, including keeping
The sanctuary has since been closed to the public.
The government strug- gles to stop illegal imports from neighbouring coun- tries, though Senegal’s borders have been closed to poultry products since a 2005 bird flu epidemic.
Recently, Cornwall Council confirmed two swans from the Falmouth area were infected with the H5N8 strain of AI.
The Department of Ag- riculture said a confirmed case of the virus was found in a whooper swan discov- ered in the Redcastle area.
National Parks director Bocar Thiam had ruled out bird flu as he believed AI only affected grain-eating birds, as opposed to fish- eating birds such as peli- cans.
with no epidemiological data to suggest the disease can be transmitted to hu- mans through cooked food. England
their birds housed or oth- erwise separate from wild birds.
birds from almost 400 spe- cies, with its mixture of wetlands, savannah, marsh- es, lakes and canals.
“People should avoid con- tact with dead or sick wild birds and report findings of dead wild birds.”
A case of AI was con- firmed in Donegal late January 2021.

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