Page 14 - National Poultry Newspaper
P. 14

Page 14 – National Poultry Newspaper, February 2021
Antibacterial action of pHorce
treatments against each bacteria were assessed: lincomycin, amoxicil- lin, trimethoprim and bacitracin.
THE antibacterial ef- fect of a product can be easily compared us- ing a zone of inhibition test.
ity of pHorce was com- parable to Amoxicillin and was significantly more than all the other antibiotics tested (Fig- ure 3).
This highlights the sensitivity of a known bacteria to multiple products.
Amoxicillin was most effective against staphy- lococcus uberis.
The larger the zone of inhibition, the more effective the product is against the chosen bac- teria.
and support healthier livestock through the use of natural products. Trial design
centration adjusted to contain between 1.5 x 108 - 5.0 x 108 cfu/ml.
However, the anti- microbial efficacy of pHorce was compara- ble to Lincomycin and Tetracycline and was significantly more than other antibiotic treat- ments (Figure 4).
pHorce is a highly concentrated liquid blend of formic and pro- pionic acid formulated on Anpario’s innovative carrier system.
The trial was under- taken by an independent microbiology labora- tory in the UK in 2020.
Plates were prepared in triplicate and incu- bated at 36C ± 1 hour for 24 hours.
pHorce produced a significantly larger zone of inhibition compared to all antibiotics test- ed for efficacy against pseudomonas aerugi- nosa (Figure 5).
The triple action ef- fect of pHorce provides proven anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti- viral function.
A variety of antibiot- ics and bacterial chal- lenges were selected to account for the most common challenges and associated therapeutic treatment globally.
The zone of inhibition was measured using callipers.
pHorce demon- strated a significantly larger zone of inhibi- tion against salmonella typhimurium (Figure 1) and e coli than any of the other treatments tested (Figure 2).
This work is part of Anpario’s 4R’s approach – review, reduce and re- place antimicrobials re- sponsibly – which helps to maintain gut health
Bacteria were sus- pended in 20ml of dilu- ent, shaken and the con-
Bacteria selected for use in the trial included salmonella typhimu- rium, escherichia coli (O157) and staphylococ- cus aureus.
When testing efficacy of treatment against staphylococcus aureus, the antimicrobial activ-
The results of the trial indicated that pHorce was able to produce a larger zone of inhibition than all the antibiotics tested in four of the five bacterial challenges.
Antibacterial effi- cacy of the following

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