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Vol 2. No. 6 June 2019 National Poultry Newspaper PO Box 387 Cleveland 4163 Phone (07) 3286 1833 Fax (07) 3821 2637 Email
PHA at Northwest Regional Careers Expo
Dr Natalie Morgan got ready for lots of chicken chats with students at the recent Northwest Regional Careers Expo in Tamworth.
THE change of season is in full swing at the Poultry Hub Australia office.
The leaves on the trees have changed colour and almost all made it to the ground.
The nights have become crisp and there is a distinct excitement in the office in anticipation of receiving ap- plications for our second call for research.
This year we are calling for research that is aligned with industry and will result in di- rect impact within industry.
Researchers are encouraged to work directly with industry partners to ensure the objec- tives and outcomes of the pro- ject are relevant and beneficial to industry.
For more details of research funded by Poultry Hub Aus- tralia, check out our website
The PHA education team recently attended the North- west Regional Careers Expo in Tamworth.
This event was attended by over 1700 students and brought together universities, colleges, training services, community organisations, lo- cal businesses and industries
Dr Natalie Morgan discussed which came first, ‘the chicken or the egg’, with high school stu- dents at the Northwest Regional Careers Expo in Tamworth.
in one place to enable students to reach their career goal.
Our booth had both a taxider- mised layer and broiler for stu- dents to see, compare and pat.
We also showed off our vir- tual chicken and egg grading app and of course our team was on hand to answer all those burning chicken questions.
May saw PHA complete our first Poultry Job Ready train- ing in Armidale.
We had a great group of young people who enjoyed learning about chickens and our wonderful industry.
Our training allowed partici- pants to learn the basics about the chicken meat, chicken egg and duck industries.
Participants learnt about health, safety and biosecurity and had a chance to put their learnings to the test with live birds.
Training covered the whole supply chain.
In addition, they learnt about the challenges currently fac- ing industry and some of the new innovations in the indus- try.
All training was hands on and assessment done passively by the trainers.
The next phase of training is work experience on farm and/ or in industry.
For more information about our training, please contact us at
Egg Farmers of Australia update
THE Board of Egg Farm- ers of Australia and industry representatives of the Stand- ards and Guidelines group met in Melbourne on June 4 prior to the Australian Eggs Mini Forum.
Federal Agriculture Min- ister Bridget McKenzie was a special guest at the Board meeting.
The minister was keen to hear the views of industry in relation to impacts of re-
cent biosecurity issues and the progression of the Standards and Guidelines for the poultry industry.
EFA has restructured and relaunched as your industry association.
The core activities of EFA are to:
1. Advocate for the passing of the Standards and Guide- lines – Option C at an upcom- ing meeting of the Ministers for Agriculture;
2. Focus on progressing pro- cesses and management of biosecurity issues impacting the industry; and
3. Provide updates to mem- bers in relation to the progress of the above issues through reg- ular contact including but not limited to a monthly newsletter.
The responses received to date have been extremely en- couraging and your support is greatly appreciated.
Karen Farrell commenced
as EFA administration officer on April 29 and incoming CEO Melinda Hashimoto commences the role on July 25, 2019.
The Chair, Board members, CEO and administration of- ficer look forward to working for you.
For further information or inquires, please feel free to contact EFA on 0484 248 054 or email info@eggfarmersau
Left to right: Meg Parkinson (SAG representative), John Coward (director Queensland), Tony Nesci (director Victoria), Bede Burke (Chair NSW), Karen Farrell (administration officer), Franko Pirovic (Pirovic Farms), Dion Andary (director South Australia and Tasmania), Ian Wilson (director Western Australia), Peter Bell (SAG representative), David May (SAG representa- tive), Bridget McKenzie (Federal Minister for Agriculture) and Petar Pirovic (SAG representative).
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