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Precision nutrition research kicks off at new poultry facility
BROILER chickens grow rapidly and thus their nutrient require- ments change daily.
systems consisting of three to five diets, as per Figures 1 and 2.
However, broilers are typically offered three to five diet phases, meaning nutrients may be under or over-supplied throughout production.
The process of adminis- tering four or more diets is costly and often impracti- cal – let alone a new diet for each day of produc- tion.
This is costly in terms of growth for the broiler chicken, and also costly to the producer, as nutrients and therefore dollars are wasted.
nutrients are in under or over-supply.
quirement of the animals on a daily basis.
However, new technolo- gies are now available to blend two dietary com- ponents together to match the daily nutrient require- ments of broilers.
Increasing the number of diet phases has been demonstrated to improve production efficiency, as there is less time in the production cycle that
Precision nutrition is the practice of adjusting and feeding diets to ensure the dietary nutrient sup- ply equals the nutrient re-
Precision nutrition es- sentially removes the under and over-feeding, which is apparent in standard phase-feeding
Precision feeding equip- ment records the amount of feed being fed out with- in a shed.
Figure 1: The over and under-supply of dietary nutrient between predicted nutrient requirement (thin black line) and supplied nutrient (thick blue line) as demonstrated for digestible lysine level (%) over a 4-phase production cycle.
Figure 2: The over and under-supply of dietary nutrient between predicted nutrient requirement (thin black line) and supplied nutrient (thick blue line) as demonstrated for apparent metabolis- able energy (MJ/kg) over a 4-phase production cycle.
National Poultry Newspaper, December 2020 – Page 3
Typically, these systems intake feed from a silo
The facility’s system automatically blend diets, feed out and record intake on a daily basis, and also contains a watering system to routinely measure and record daily water intake.
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So, which came  rst?
At BEC Feed Solutions, we provide an unparelleled range of animal nutrition solutions. Our expert team designs, sources and creates solutions to support our customers’ needs and overcome their challenges.
We believe quality ingredients and quality nutrition always come  rst.

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