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Vol 4. No. 10 October 2021 National Poultry Newspaper PO Box 162 Wynnum 4178 Phone (07) 3286 1833 Email
Eggs are an important source of human nutrition and are affordable, and the industry creates jobs for Australians and contributes to the national economy.
Federal funding secured for local jobs program
POULTRY Hub Aus- tralia has successfully secured Federal Gov- ernment funds through the Local Jobs Pro- gram to continue to build capacity for the industry.
This funding will en- able us to hire a dedi- cated trainer to bolster our previous Job Ready Training Program.
mitted an application and of course the com- mittee members for their time and intel- lectual input.
rialrespiratorydisease outbreaks in poultry’.
PHA aims to attract a minimum of 230 people into jobs in the New England north- west region of NSW.
The grants were awarded to a number of Australian univer- sities, including the Charles Sturt Univer- sity, the University of Queensland and the University of New England.
I look forward to sharing updates and the outcomes of this research over the com- ing months.
The program will be delivered in an interac- tive, hands-on way and attract all ages, and feed into diverse roles within the industry.
I hope you are all safe and well and en- courage you to reach out.
Given the challenges we currently face in at- tracting and retaining staff across the coun- try, we are looking at additional sources of funding that will en- able us to roll this out in other areas.
Topics include ‘The effect of AM/PM di- ets on feed efficiency, egg quality and wel- fare parameters for free-range layer hens’, ‘Nutritional strategies to mitigate coccidiosis’ and ‘Rapid on-farm diagnostics for bacte-
We are always look- ing for ways to support industry and farmers and would welcome any suggestions on how we can be of as- sistance.
If you are currently facing a staff shortage, please get in contact so we can work with you to initiate programs to help your business.
If you have an idea or would like to chat all things poultry, don’t hesitate to contact our office at poultryhub@
Poultry Hub Aus- tralia’s open call for funding program that began in March this year was recently com- pleted with the award- ing of six grants.
This year there were a high number of ap- plications and the committee certainly had their work cut out for them.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank those who sub-
A recent participant of PHA’s Job Ready Training program and her Lego chicken creation.
Research shows Australians’ trust and support for egg industry continues
NEW research con- ducted by Voconiq, a research company spun out of CSIRO, reveals that levels of trust and acceptance of the egg industry by Australians has increased signifi- cantly since 2018, whilst the COVID-19 pandem- ic is continuing to high- light the importance of eggs in Australian lives.
proving from 53 percent in 2018 to 63 percent in 2021, with 65 percent of Australians specifically expressing trust in the egg industry to act responsi- bly.”
nology has improved the welfare and environ- mental outcomes of egg farms, Australians are highly supportive of the use of technology and re- search and development in the egg industry.
The research, com- missioned by Austral- ian Eggs, engaged 5920 Australians and is the fourth annual cycle of community engagement that explores the Aus- tralian public’s attitudes and opinions towards the egg industry, and informs Australian Eggs’ annual sustainability framework report and research and development programs and investments.
•8in10or80percent believe that technology has improved the welfare and environmental out- comes of egg farms
“It is challenging to build trust in a crisis and this data reveals that the strong relationship the egg industry has estab- lished with the Australian public is helping it weath- er this pandemic storm better than many other in- dustries,” Dr Moffat said.
“It’s great to see that closeto9in10or88 percent of Australians support egg farming after weighing up the benefits and costs of the indus- try, which is up 5 per- cent from 2020, showing that during the pandemic the net industry benefits increasingly outweigh its costs.
• 65 percent of Austral- ians expressed trust in the egg industry to act re- sponsibly in the 2021 sur- vey, up 9.4 percent from 2018
Voconiq chief executive officer Dr Kieren Moffat said, “Community trust in the Australian egg indus- try has increased signifi- cantly each year we have undertaken this survey, with overall trust across multiple measures im-
With8in10or80per- cent believing that tech-
“This shows that though egg production is com- plex, Australians believe that it is a good and mod-
• 88 percent of Austral- ians support the egg in- dustry after weighing up its benefits and costs, up 5 percent from 2020
“This has led to a cor- responding increase in community acceptance of the industry from 64 per- cent in 2018 to 80 percent in 2021.
Australian Eggs man- aging director Rowan McMonnies said, “The Australian egg industry should be very proud of this increased trust and their hard work in recent years to innovate through technology.”
• 70 percent of Austral- ians agreed that the COV- ID-19 pandemic made them understand their re- liance on a safe, reliable egg supply.
The development and implementation of tech- nology is one of the more tangible ways the egg in- dustry has demonstrated responsiveness to the con- cerns of the Australian community, and this in turn contributes to higher trust and acceptance.
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