Page 10 - National Poultry Newspaper
P. 10

ALIS Chirpy Sensor measures bird distress calls.
Listening to your newly hatched chicks will be- come a very powerful tool to improve well-be- ing from the beginning of their life.
It functions with a sen- sor cord extending down from the ALIS unit to slightly above bird height.
These sensors conveni- ently clip onto our ALIS lighting systems, which eliminates any retrofit- ting costs.
Cutting-edge technology to transform chick welfare
NEW research has emerged from the Uni- versity of Plymouth in the UK, highlight- ing that listening to the sounds of newly hatched chicks is cornerstone in the early detection of welfare.
point where the issues lie due to large batch num- bers.
– a vocalisation sensor that measures bird dis- tress calls.
food provenance, welfare and the environment, the new ALIS sensors will correlate important pro- duction and welfare pa- rameters.
The study found that in nature, when a chick is uncomfortable or dis- tressed, they call out a distinct distress call to their mother.
It could predict flock- level behaviour, future growth and even mortal- ity rates.
The sensor is located in the perspex probe at the bottom of the cable.
For more information please visit our website poultry-lighting-sensors or contact one of our friendly sales representa- tives on 07 4697 3344.
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While this is mimicked in a commercial farming situation, it’s hard to pin-
With welfare needs central to progress in precision livestock farm- ing, we are introducing the ALIS Chripy Sensor
The bird calls are then converted via an algo- rithm into a known value of 0-10 for scoring the birds level of stress.
OREGO-STIM is a high quality, plant based eu- biotic, containing 100 percent natural oregano essential oil.
search Inc in Georgia in the US.
to cages, challenged with eimeria1 and six days later euthanised for lesion scor- ing.
opment of immunity to eimeria following antico- ccidial vaccination as shown by lesion scoring following coccidial chal- lenge.
Eimeria is ubiquitous in the environment and there is no cross protection be- tween eimeria.
Birds – Cobb 500 – were reared from 0-42 days in floorpens on reused litter (see Table 1 for details).
A positive control of cage- reared, naive, coccidia-free birds were included to con- firm an eimeria challenge.
Orego-Stim adminis- tered in water lessened the intestinal damage from coccidia leading to increased weight gain and lower lesion scores dur- ing challenge compared to Robenidine treatment.
Traditionally coccidiosis control has been via the use of chemicals, iono- phores and vaccines.
On Day 0, all birds were spray-vaccinated in the hatchery with a commer- cial coccidiosis vaccine – Coccivac-B, Merck Ani- mal Health USA.
Weight gain over the challenge period was de- termined.
The global cost of coc- cidiosis, including drug related treatment, is esti- mated to be $2-3 billion annually.
On Day 21, five birds per pen were transferred
Orego-Stim did not interfere with the devel-
With increasing con- sumer awareness about
Anpario Orego-Stim
trial summary
A study was conducted at Southern Poultry Re-
Page 10 – National Poultry Newspaper, September 2020
Orego-Stim trial results.

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