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Research supports the role of eggs in a healthy diet for diabetes
EGGS are widely recog- nised as one of nature’s most nutritious foods and as a key source of quality protein, with 13 important nutrients re- quired by the body.
play in a heathy diet, Australian Eggs consult- ant dietitian from Food & Nutrition Australia Sha- ron Natoli sets out the cur- rent key facts and research findings.
2 diabetes in Australian adults.”
Eggs as part of a healthy and balanced diet
type 2 diabetes in Asian populations – 70,468 study participants. Recent studies in dia- betes
These findings are in line with advice from the Australian Dietary Guide- lines that eggs can be in- cluded as a core part of the everyday diet of Aus- tralians.
The current body of re- search evidence confirms that as part of a healthy and balanced diet, eggs can be enjoyed by indi- viduals living with or are at risk of diabetes.
“Rates of type 2 diabetes are on the rise globally making this an important area of study,” Ms Natoli said.
“When it comes to diet and consideration of the broader evidence in this space, the National Health and Medical Research Council recommends eggs as part of a healthy dietary pattern and life- style,” Ms Natoli said.
Well-designed interven- tion trials have indicated that individuals with or at risk of type 2 diabetes can include 6-12 eggs per week as part of an overall healthy diet.
Single observational studies, such as the recent one by Wang and others, continue to provide im- portant insights in nutri- tion, highlighting possi- ble relationships between nutrients, individual foods and dietary patterns with chronic disease develop- ment.
Published research in Chinese adults has ob- served an association be- tween higher long-term egg intake and the risk of developing type 2 dia- betes.
“In Australia, the Baker Heart and Diabetes Insti- tute attributes increased prevalence to be likely driven by rising obesity, the ageing population, di- etary changes and seden- tary lifestyles.
In 2020, a systematic review and meta-analysis by Harvard University researchers explored the existing body of evidence and found no association between moderate egg in- take and the development of type 2 diabetes.
In 2018, researchers at Sydney University un- dertook a 12-month ran- domised controlled trial exploring egg intake in individuals with or at risk of type 2 diabetes.
It does however remain imperative that we look not only to the wider body of evidence, but also re- member that it is the en- tirety of what we eat and what we do that will af- fect our overall health and wellbeing.
These findings have stimulated the question of whether caution is needed for egg intake.
“Body mass index, al- cohol consumption and physical inactivity have been specifically identi- fied as significant lifestyle risk factors impacting the development of type
Furthermore, egg intake of one or more eggs per day was not associated with the development of
Known as the DIA- BEGG study, participants consumed at least 12 eggs per week for 12 months, with no detrimental out- comes on heart disease risk factors or blood glu- cose levels.
In response to renewed interest in the role eggs
Australian Eggs consultant dietitian from Food & Nutrition Australia Sharon Natoli.
Egg industry continues work with authorities on food safety outcomes
Australian Eggs man- aging director Rowan McMonnies.
Egg industry bodies have worked with authorities to develop resources to help egg farmers and supply chain participants identify possible risk factors and address any gaps.
THE Australian egg industry has continued to work closely with authorities to respond to and eliminate the threat of salmonella enteritidis, since its initial outbreak in Sep- tember 2018.
unique bacteria for Aus- tralia and responding to the threat has been a learning experience for both government and industry.”
chain participants iden- tify possible risk factors and address any gaps.
In order to manage the risk of SE to consum- ers, additional legisla- tion was introduced in NSWintheformofa biosecurity SE control order that came into ef- fect on August 1, 2019.
“The new compliance requirements were wel- comed by industry as an important step in seeing off SE and con- tinuing the long-term trend of improvement in food safety outcomes in NSW.
“Through responsive- ness and continual im- provement, the egg in- dustry has been able to minimise the threat of SE and ensure that there are currently no known cases in NSW,” Mr Mc- Monnies said.
In their 2019-20 an- nual report, the NSW Food Authority re- ported a reduction in compliance of the food safety program across the NSW egg industry, as a result of increased regulatory controls placed on industry due to the introduction of the biosecurity SE con- trol order.
“The new require- ments have been more strictly enforced and in- clude new aspects such as mandatory testing for SE.
“Consumers can take comfort that these measures will make eggs even safer going forward.”
Australian Eggs man- aging director Rowan McMonnies said, “SE is a relatively new and
“It can take time for these skills to build, and egg industry bod- ies have worked with authorities to develop resources to help egg farmers and supply
“The major egg busi- nesses have been do- ing this for many years, but several farmers are not as familiar with the process.
Andrew Reeves is Ingham’s new managing director.
Reeves steps in to rule Ingham's roost
FORMER George Wes- ton Foods and Lion Na- than boss and current In- gham's director Andrew Reeves has moved into the managing director's office at the big poul- try business after Jim Leighton's sudden return to the US for family rea- sons.
orderly handover. Incoming Mr Reeves, an
Dairy and Drinks, Lion Nathan and Smiths Snack Food Company, and he was chair in the past for Australian Food and Gro- cery Council.
Mr Leighton, who took the top job in 2018 having previously been in leader- ship roles with big food corporates, remains on Ingham's executive until June 30 to help ensure an
Between 2011 and 2016, he was chief executive of- ficer of George Weston Foods in Australia and New Zealand, while other previous chief execu- tive officer roles were at Coca-Cola Amatil, Lion
Chair Peter Bush said the company's recent half year results demonstrated the departing Mr Leight- on and his executive team had significantly im- proved the company's op- erations and built a solid foundation for growth.
Ingham's non-executive director for two years, takes up his new $1.1 million a year job after 40-plus years' experience in leadership and govern- ance roles with listed agri- food companies.
A search has begun to fill his non-executive seat on Ingham's board.
National Poultry Newspaper, May 2021 – Page 13

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