National Poultry Newspaper
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Vol 2. No. 5 May 2019 National Poultry Newspaper PO Box 387 Cleveland 4163 Phone (07) 3286 1833 Fax (07) 3821 2637 Email
Poultry through the ages
New report calls for urgent
action to avert worldwide
antimicrobial resistance crisis
THE United Nations, in- ternational agencies and experts recently released a ground-breaking report demanding immediate, co-ordinated and ambi- tious action to avert a po- tentially disastrous drug- resistance crisis.
If no action is taken – warns the UN Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance who released the report – drug-resistant diseases could cause 10 million deaths each year by 2050 and damage to the econo- my as catastrophic as the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.
By 2030, antimicrobial resistance could force up to 24 million people into extreme poverty.
Currently, at least 700,000 people die each year due to drug-resistant diseases, including 230,000 people who die from multidrug- resistant tuberculosis.
More and more common diseases, including respira- tory tract infections, sexu- ally transmitted infections and urinary tract infec- tions, are untreatable; life- saving medical procedures are becoming much riskier, and our food systems are increasingly precarious.
The world is already feeling the economic and health consequences as crucial medicines become ineffective.
Without investment from countries in all income brackets, future generations will face the disastrous im- pacts of uncontrolled anti- microbial resistance.
Recognising that human, animal, food and environ- mental health are closely interconnected, the report calls for a co-ordinated, multisectoral ‘One Health’ approach.
It recommends countries:
• Prioritise national action plans to scale up financing and capacity-building ef- forts;
• Put in place stronger regulatory systems and sup- port awareness programs for responsible and prudent use of antimicrobials by profes- sionals in human, animal and plant health;
• Invest in ambitious re- search and development for new technologies to combat antimicrobial resistance; and
• Urgently phase out the use of critically important antimicrobials as growth promoters in agriculture.
UN Deputy Secretary- General and IACG Co- Chair Ms Amina Moham- med said, “Antimicrobial resistance is one of the greatest threats we face as a global community.”
“This report reflects the depth and scope of the re- sponse needed to curb its rise and protect a century of progress in health.
“It rightly emphasises that there is no time to wait and I urge all stakeholders to act on its recommendations and work urgently to pro- tect our people and planet and secure a sustainable fu- ture for all.”
The recommendations require immediate engage- ment across sectors, from governments and the pri- vate sector to civil society and academia.
Convened at the request of world leaders after the first ever UN High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance in 2016, the ex- pert group brought together partners across the UN, international organisations and individuals with exper- tise across human, animal
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LAST month gave Poultry Hub Australia an opportu- nity to team up with the Uni- versity of New England in an interactive display called ‘Farm of the Future’ at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
The Farm of the Future ex- hibition featured advanced agricultural technologies alongside exhibits showcasing the resilience of rural commu- nities as well as ecological and agricultural systems.
Our display was entitled ‘Poultry through the ages – genetics not hormones’ and showcased the amazing achievements the industry has made in both genetics and feed efficiency.
We highlighted the genetic breeding advances and traced the ancestry of the chicken back to the Red Jungle Fowl.
To complement the display, there were taxidermised chick- ens in the form of a Red Jungle
Fowl, a layer and a broiler. Visitors to the space were able to see the physical char- acteristics of each bird and compare them, providing great discussion points and an opportunity to highlight that these differences were ob- tained through genetic breed-
ing and not hormones. Overall, the display gave us
a chance to connect with the general public and do some
chicken myth busting at the same time!
As part of Poultry Hub Aus- tralia’s training initiative, we have developed a virtual chicken with the assistance of TAFE Digital in Armidale.
‘Vicky’ the virtual chicken allows users to experience all parts of the chicken from in- side out, even down to the different cuts of meat from chicken.
Our aim is to provide an engagement tool that can also be used for educational purposes.
The experience allows users to see inside the chicken and toggle between different parts of the chicken such as bone structure and organs or even serial sections.
There is also a testing func- tion that enables the user to select a specific part of the chicken with tweezers and place it on a tray.
This interactive tool has ap- plications across all levels of education and we look for- ward to integrating it into our training packages and educa- tion sessions.
If you would like to expe- rience the virtual chicken, you can take a peek at the YouTube clip on our website or contact us to discuss at poultryhub@une.
Poultry Hub Australia’s display at the Sydney Royal Easter Show – a Red Jungle Fowl, the ancestor of all modern-day chickens.
Vicky the virtual chicken provides an interactive and engag- ing learning experience.
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